3 Ways To Achieve a Holistic Beauty Routine

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Women everywhere often struggle to find safe, effective ways to treat themselves to self-care. Especially for mothers, who have children and countless responsibilities to take care of, it can be easy to forget themselves in the shuffle of life. Many beauty care products also pose risks to women’s health, as they can contain harmful elements, such as harsh chemicals and unnatural ingredients that can cause adverse reactions. Here are three ways to achieve a holistic beauty routine that can allow you to pamper yourself to stay beautiful and ensure you remain healthy while doing it.

Adopt a Holistic Skin Care Regiment

One great way to start a holistic beauty routine is to use a holistic skin care regimen. There are many ways to care for your skin using natural methods, which can keep you safe from harmful chemicals in synthetic products. For example, drinking more water can improve your skin, as it maintains hydration and helps the body regulate toxins that can cause breakouts and redness. You can also spend more time in the sun to give your skin an added glow and take advantage of the natural vitamins that sunshine can provide.

In terms of skincare products, there are countless options for natural items that have ingredients that won’t harm your skin. For instance, you might look for moisturizers or other topicals that use Squalane, a natural oil that can add hydrating properties without the addition of chemical solutions. You can also find mineral sunscreens that offer protection against UV rays while in the sun using natural ingredients.

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Implement a Natural Hair Care Routine

You can also use a holistic approach when maintaining your hair by implementing a natural hair care routine. Since there are hundreds of hair care products on the market that contain chemicals and ingredients that can cause further harm to a person’s health, it can be best to look for natural products to protect your hair. For example, you might use texturizing sprays made with sea salt instead of chemical solutions to give your hair some volume without toxic hairsprays. You can also find conditioners with natural ingredients, like coconut oil.

There are also many natural methods for straightening your hair, like vegetable oil solutions and stretching hair to avoid heat tools and harsh chemical relaxers. When washing your hair, you can find shampoos and cleansers that are more gentle on your hair, making it possible to wash every day without drying out your locks. If you like having colorful hair, you can still use dyes in a holistic hair care routine, but you may opt for natural dyes instead of those that require chemical mixing and processing. 

Wrapping your hair at night in silk or satin is also a great way to keep it safe naturally. For example, you might use a bonnet or a silk scarf to cover your hair while sleeping to prevent breakages and dryness.

Focus on Nutrition and Exercise

Ways To Achieve a Holistic Beauty Routine

Image via Flickr by Fit Approach

One of the most effective natural ways to keep yourself feeling and looking beautiful is to care for your physical health. Two proven ways to achieve this are by prioritizing nutrition and incorporating exercise into your daily or weekly routine. While there may not always be time in the day for a busy mother to exercise, there are several ways to stay active that don’t require fancy equipment or long stretches of time. For example, you might start taking a walk every day or every other day to keep your body moving without needing to travel to a gym.

When focusing on nutrition, the best diet to eat for health and beauty can depend on each person’s body and lifestyle. For instance, a woman who’s extremely active may benefit from a more carbohydrate-heavy diet that provides energy. It’s also usually beneficial to get high amounts of vegetables and protein, as these foods can offer vitamins and other fuel your body can use to stay healthy and strong. Water is another important element of nutrition, as it’s key to staying hydrated to ensure your body can perform all its necessary functions.

Whether you’re a single woman in the professional workforce or a stay-at-home mom who runs the household, you can benefit from using a holistic beauty routine. These and similar methods for holistic beauty care can allow you to treat yourself to self-care options that enhance your natural beauty and prepare your body for each day. With many ideas out there for holistic beauty, there’s no shortage of ways to protect your body while making yourself feel beautiful, inside and out.

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